For those of you who don't know, WG is currently developing the third game in their World of.. series: World of Warships. You know, these cheesy names are really starting to get on my nerves but hey, at least the gameplay is awesome. They've recently opened the forum to the public and have already assigned someone to answer all our repetitive and boring questions. It's a nice place to hang around if you're crazy about warships of the WW2 era and with any luck, you might get yourself into closed alpha if you shine enough boots.
What I really can't wait for in this game are the aircraft carriers. According to my sources (whom shall remain anonymous as that's how they do it in James Bond movies), players using aircraft carriers will have an RTS style approach to the game. You send out planes to attack other planes or other ships and the coolest thing is, you just sit safely behind friendly lines while your evil minions obey your orders. I've always wanted to play an RTS game that also had an FPS/TPS perspective to it. The closest that I got was Stick War but like all other free online internet games, it was limited. I know WoWS won't grant me what I want but for now, it will have to do until I miraculously become a genius and develop my own game.
Did you know that grilled cheese sandwiches tastes really good?
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