Sunday, February 24, 2013

T20 Research Path

Quick, lightly armoured, decent firepower with miserable aim time (with the 90 mm). These are just a couple of words I would use to describe the T20 medium tank. A predecessor to the M26 Pershing, the T20 has access to a powerful 90 mm gun which is a must for a tier 7 American medium tank. Your lack of armour will give way to speed which allows you to reach 56 km/h thus letting you return to base very quickly should the need arise. Oh and if you're really lucky, your mantlet can even absorb shots from E-50's.

Yes, even though I did say the 90 mm is a must have for the T20, you're going to have to put up with its bad reload time and aim time. You do however need that extra penetration unless you plan on using premium rounds for the 76 mm.

  1. Gun: 76 mm Gun M1A2
  2. Tracks: HVSS T51
  3. Turret: T20D2
  4. Gun: 90 mm Gun M3
  5. Engine: Ford GAN
  6. Radio: SCR 506
  7. Gun: 105 mm SPH M4 L/23
  8. Tank: M26 Pershing

You may wish to go for the engine before you get the 90 mm gun. The engine will allow easier flanking opportunities but you'll still be carrying a rather weak gun. The choice is really up to you on whether or not you feel that your tank is under gunned or under speed.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

VK 36.01 (H) Research Path

The VK 36.01 (H) is one of my favorite German tanks in the game. It combines excellent firepower with good armour along with decent enough speed and forms a predecessor to the Tiger tank. Do note that in one of the future patches, this tank will be redesignated as a heavy so it is possible that this guide may change.

Now there are actually many different options of researching through this tank. I've chosen the 75 mm gun which offers good penetration and damage. The Konisch offers the most penetration but you need gold rounds to bring out its fullest potential. You can select just about any gun that suits you best and stick with that or experiement. Don't follow this guide fully if you wish to experiment though; I've left the unused guns until the very end.
  1. Turret: VK3601H-Großturm
  2. Gun: 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70
  3. Engine: Maybach HL 210 P 30
  4. Engine: Maybach HL 230 P 45
  5. Tracks: VK3601H-Ketten (B)
  6. Radio: FuG 7
  7. Radio: FuG 12
  8. Gun: 10.5 cm KwK 42 L/28
  9. Gun: 7.5 cm KwK 41 L/58 Konisch
  10. Gun: 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56
  11. Tank: Tiger 

Also, keep in mind that you won't need to research the tracks until the very end. The stock suspension is more than enough to upgrade your tank fully.

Cromwell Research Path

Well this will be my first British tank research path guide. The Cromwell is a lightly armoured, decently gunned, agile medium tank. It is able to get from one place to another very quickly and provide that extra firepower wherever needed on the battlefield. Keep in mind that the speed comes at a cost and your armour isn't top notch. Nevertheless, it is still an interesting and fun tank to play. Just don't expect to survive head-on engagements, you will die pretty quickly if you do.

  1. Gun: QF 6-pdr. Gun Mk. V
  2. Tracks: A27M
  3. Gun: 3.7-inch Howitzer
  4. Turret: Cromwell Mk. IV
  5. Gun: 75 mm Gun Mk. V
  6. Gun: 75 mm Vickers HV
  7. Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor
  8. Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk. IVB
  9. Radio: WS No. 19 Mk. II
  10. Radio: WS No. 19 Mk. III
  11. Tank: Comet

You may wish to skip the 3.7-inch Howitzer if you don't want an inaccurate gun. Just keep in mind that the stock guns aren't very good and you'll really be pushing your skills to the limits until you get the final gun. Also the tracks are very important as without it, you're not going to mount anything but the 6 pounder. You also don't have access to any enhanced torsion bars or anything like that so make sure you get those tracks fast.

Friday, February 15, 2013

SU-100Y TD Initial Impressions

After playing my first game with the SU-100Y, I decided to write some of my initial impressions. Firstly some facts: you are in a tier 6 tank destroyer with a tier 8 gun. Your reload time and aim time will be LONG so it's highly recommended that you use a large-caliber gun rammer and the enhanced gun laying drive.

Your speed is also mediocre but the traverse speed is acceptable (not good but not horrible either). Keep in mind that you won't be racing anyone but you are faster than a Super Pershing for example. Your gun has an average damage of 440 HP per shot with 196 mm of penetration. This means that you can more or less 2-shot tier 7 tanks (assuming that your RNG isn't horrible). The gun traverse is also acceptable and as long as you don't play too aggressively and sit back and snipe, you will do fine.

These are just my initial impressions after playing one game. All of these may change as the test continues on so don't rely on this post to make a decision on whether or not to purchase this premium TD.

New Panzer I & Panzer II Pictures

The new public test server has several new Panzer 1s and 2s so I decided to take pictures of them and post them here. Haven't tried them out (probably never will until they are released) mostly because it's impossible to get into a low tier battle in the public test server.

For the sake of it, I'm putting a stock picture and an elite picture. The first picture is the stock tank and the second is elite. (Oh and none of the stats are definite yet so the pictures are simply there for the heck of it)

I really wish they would give the NA server access to the Panzer II Ausf. J. It's a premium tank but it feels like they won't sell it anywhere. Well at least the Ausf. G looks ...... somewhatly similar I suppose.

M46 Patton Research Path

Ah one of my most hated tanks in all of World of Tanks. I can't decide whether or not it's the fact that it's so bloody arty vulnerable or the fact that it's a slower version of the Pershing. Or maybe it's inadequate gun that makes me want to rage at it. Either way, if this tank doesn't suit you, you better get out of it fast!

This handy dandy research path guide will get you to elite the tank. If you don't want to elite it, I will write a second research path for your convenience.

  1. Tracks: M46T81 (This is a must! You can't even put on another gun because of this)
  2. Gun: 90 mm Gun T5E1M2 
  3. Engine: Continental AV-1790-1
  4. Gun: 105 mm Gun T5E1M2
  5. Engine: Continental AV-1790-5A
  6. Turret: M46T119
  7. Radio: SCR 528
  8. Gun: 90 mm Gun M36
  9. Gun: 105 mm SPH M4 L/23
  10. Tank: M48 Patton
The difference between the 90 mm Gun M36 and the 90 mm Gun M3 is so minuscule that you're probably better off not researching it. AND WHAT IS THE 105 MM SPH DOING HERE?!!??!?!
Also depending on your play style, you may want to research the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 first before you aim for the engines. The other way around applies too but that depends on what type of player you are. Snipers should go for the guns and flankers should gun it for those engines (uhh no pun intended).

Now for those who don't want to elite the tank but get through the tank as quickly as possible.
  1. Tracks: M46T81 
  2. Gun: 90 mm Gun T5E1M2 
  3. Gun: 105 mm Gun T5E1M2
  4. Tank: M48 Patton
Keep in mind that you will be neglecting the engines which are rather important as you will feel like a heavy tank. Now the Continental AV-1790-5A is an M46 Patton-only module so it's up to you but you should already have the Continental AV-1790-1 from the M26 Pershing or T92, etc.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

M26 Pershing Research Path

Holy crap, it's been years since I did one of these. Ok well here's the M26 Pershing. Tier 8 medium tank in World of Tanks. A few things to note before we start: the M26 is somewhat heavy for a medium. You will need to be careful when you exploit openings as you may not have the acceleration to do so. You should also note that the gun is best used when flanking. You'll still penetrate most weakspots at the front, but your armour is somewhat lacking so it's best you do some flanking. (Hey that rhymed!) Lastly, you have amazing gun depression. Don't be afraid to go hull down and let your mantlet take all the hits.

Once again, keep in mind that I'm assuming that you did not research anything from previous tanks.

  1. Gun: 76 mm Gun M1A2
  2. Gun: 90 mm Gun M3
  3. Gun: 90 mm Gun T15E2M2
  4. Engine: Continental AV-1790-1
  5. Tracks: M26T81
  6. Turret: M26M71
  7. Radio: SCR 528
  8. Gun: 105 mm SPH M4 L/23 (<-- wtf is this doing here???)
  9. Tank: M46 Patton
The Pershing is an awesome tank and if played correctly, you'll find yourself being able to turn the tide quite effectively. Just keep in mind that you are not a heavy tank and that your armour won't last forever out there. Oh and some history time: the M26 Pershing was originally designated as a heavy tank during WW2. This was due to morale purposes and they wanted to the soldiers to feel that they had an adequate tank. After the war, it got redesignated as a medium tank.