Sunday, February 24, 2013

T20 Research Path

Quick, lightly armoured, decent firepower with miserable aim time (with the 90 mm). These are just a couple of words I would use to describe the T20 medium tank. A predecessor to the M26 Pershing, the T20 has access to a powerful 90 mm gun which is a must for a tier 7 American medium tank. Your lack of armour will give way to speed which allows you to reach 56 km/h thus letting you return to base very quickly should the need arise. Oh and if you're really lucky, your mantlet can even absorb shots from E-50's.

Yes, even though I did say the 90 mm is a must have for the T20, you're going to have to put up with its bad reload time and aim time. You do however need that extra penetration unless you plan on using premium rounds for the 76 mm.

  1. Gun: 76 mm Gun M1A2
  2. Tracks: HVSS T51
  3. Turret: T20D2
  4. Gun: 90 mm Gun M3
  5. Engine: Ford GAN
  6. Radio: SCR 506
  7. Gun: 105 mm SPH M4 L/23
  8. Tank: M26 Pershing

You may wish to go for the engine before you get the 90 mm gun. The engine will allow easier flanking opportunities but you'll still be carrying a rather weak gun. The choice is really up to you on whether or not you feel that your tank is under gunned or under speed.  

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