After playing my first game with the SU-100Y, I decided to write some of my initial impressions. Firstly some facts: you are in a tier 6 tank destroyer with a tier 8 gun. Your reload time and aim time will be LONG so it's highly recommended that you use a large-caliber gun rammer and the enhanced gun laying drive.
Your speed is also mediocre but the traverse speed is acceptable (not good but not horrible either). Keep in mind that you won't be racing anyone but you are faster than a Super Pershing for example. Your gun has an average damage of 440 HP per shot with 196 mm of penetration. This means that you can more or less 2-shot tier 7 tanks (assuming that your RNG isn't horrible). The gun traverse is also acceptable and as long as you don't play too aggressively and sit back and snipe, you will do fine.
These are just my initial impressions after playing one game. All of these may change as the test continues on so don't rely on this post to make a decision on whether or not to purchase this premium TD.
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