Friday, November 9, 2012


What exactly does society perceive as beautiful or sexy or hot or cute or whatever? I feel like this is going to be more of a philosophy post so for those who have something better to do, you should go do it. As I was saying, lately I've noticed a lot of these so-called beautiful people around. Well, this has been going for quite a while but I never really bothered to think about it much. But today, it just kind of struck me and I started thinking.

So I was watching Katy Perry's Part of Me music video and I noticed that with minimal makeup, she actually looks pretty decent compared to when she gets CAKED with makeup. Here, why don't I show you guys what I'm talking about.

Here's a picture with little makeup and short hair.

I don't know about you, but a lot of celebrities looks pretty decent with very little makeup (or in some cases, no makeup). For example, Lady Gaga really does look very...."normal" when she doesn't have any makeup on. Even though it may not have gotten her all the attention, she would've looked a lot better on screen. 

This is not to say makeup is bad of course. As a boy, I'm generally neutral about it (honestly I really don't care) but I wouldn't want to date girls who cake their face with makeup. I like to keep it natural. 

On a side note, the actor who plays as Lord Voldemort, Ralph Fiennes, has a really big nose.... 


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