Thursday, August 30, 2012


Anyone who has played any online game (or games that can be played online - honestly, what's the difference?) knows that there is something called clans or guilds. Essentially it's a group of players who band together for different reasons and they play together, laugh together, win together, talk to each other (c-c-c-c-combo breaker), and die together.

In World of Tanks, players can join clans and just like any game out there, there are different types of clans. These clans range from the very casual laid back clans that teach newcomers the basics, to hardcore clans that require large amounts of effort and dedication. These hardcore clans have to option to compete in clan wars and try to win land for their clans. Of course with something so important, these clans often mandate their members to participate in training battles to improve each others' skills.

I had recently left a casual clan and moved onto a more hardcore one. One of my many reasons was because my old clan started seeing a lot of inactive members and no matter how hard I tried to push for it, we were never ready to fight in clan wars. There simply wasn't enough members on a given night to even participate in clan wars let alone have 15 tier 10 tanks ready to fight. At the same time, I also believed that my skills could be better used elsewhere and that I was rather confident in being able to take out any tank one-on-one. I like to consider myself an engineer and I tend to look at the strengths and weaknesses of each tank and compare them to what I'm driving. Then based on the data I have gathered, I can make a simulation of the event in my head and judge whether or not I would win. Of course, I would have to put it into practice but having played World of Tanks for so long, it does become easy to discover the weaknesses of your enemies after a while.

So enough of me bragging about my skills (which really aren't that great but I'm trying to improve), my current clan is filled with nice people. Granted some are rather...unique in their own sense but all are very nice and awesome people. These fellows have clan wars experience and know what they are doing and after fighting with them in multiple clan battles, I feel rather confident that we can defeat all but the most hardcore clans. It's funny though how we are able to capture land only to have it taken away from us the next day. Then we recapture it and lose it just as quickly. It's still a nice experience though and having played on that map so many times that I now unconsciously go to my usual position when I encounter that map in public matches.

Seeing how this is a blog, I feel that I should also talk a little bit more about myself. For those stalkers trying to figure out more about me, I am a university student. I think I'll just leave it at that for now.

Oh, can't forget a picture. I had just recently got my first tier 10 tank so I have been using that for clan wars a lot. It's a very fun tank and just like most American tanks, it's rather versatile compared to other nations.

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